A YCG PEER REVIEW 1000 facilitates an objective review process between employer and employee. It is intended to offer insights and assist in making recommendations that can and will directly increase productivity if implemented. Each answer is scored from 0-10.  The highest and the lowet reviews are eliminated. Reviews that only score 10's are questioned. This would mean that 100% of the time, the employee is operating at 100%. Due to the toxicity of this lifetime and the demands placed upon us on a daily basis, it is virtually impossible to function at 100% all of the time. The percentages are adjusted to provide opportunities in recognizing where we fall short of performing at our optimum. It is designed to help us perfect ourselves in a not so perfect world. The process is divided into 5 sections. Each section provides assistance in conveying results to both the employee and the team as a whole.

Below is a brief explanation of each section: A Manual of all results, addressing the 5 categories noted below, is provided to be kept on file for accreditation and HR purposes.

1. YCG PEER REVIEW 1000 INTRODUCTION - a one page explanation of what was collected and how you may use it to benefit the review process.

2. YCG PEER REVIEW 1000 STATS/SUMMARY – a one page, at a glance, distillation of individual and team averages converted to percentages for easy understanding. Twelve copies have been provided as well as a laminate legend sheet to assist in deciphering color codes.

3. YCG PEER REVIEW TEAM SUMMARY REPORT – a summary of all the peer reviews addressing strengths and weaknesses as they reflect a single team effort working as one whole entity versus many. Two copies have been provided; one for the Office Manager to use in the annual review and one for the staff member.

4. YCG INDIVIDUAL STAFF SUMMARY REPORTS – a summary of all the peer reviews as they relate to one individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Two copies have been provided; one for the file and one for the staff member.

5. YCG PEER REVIEWS COLLECTED – The last section of the manual are the actual printed reviews received. These are all anonymous and have no reviewer names indicated. These need not be included in the live review process but must be kept on file for accreditation purposes. The fee for Basic Peer Review Services is $399 per employee. Should you decide to use additional YCG staff development services or have us conduct live individual and team reviews for you, let us know, as these can be conducted virtually or onsite. Additionally, we encourage our clients to use our ULT assessment technology in staying current with understanding staff fluctuations in performance. For more information contact The YOU Institute at 760-230-8016.